Most people think growing legal hemp (aka Cannabis) is something that is done by experts at a farming scale – but it’s far from the case.
Gardeners, herbalists, medicine makers, and even beginners can now grow Cannabis themselves – and I'm here to show you the kind of results you can achieve.
This program will help you successfully grow up to 12 - 20 plants from seed to harvest. You'll have seeds, lessons, live Q&A calls, and a private social community through the entire growing season so you can have an abundant harvest.
Students in last year’s program were able to grow their own Cannabis, and lots of it. I’ll get into the numbers below, but let’s just say you’ll need to make a lot of space in the pantry.
It’s exactly what you’d expect from a program that guided you from start to finish.
A low estimate is about $2,250 worth of home-grown Cannabis – and that’s a very low estimate (again keep reading). Make medicine and you’re adding more value.
This program empowers you to grow the flowers to make medicine for yourself or provide for a local medicine maker – all part of my mission to make medicine, growing, and health more accessible to you.
You do the math, and yet there is more...
Every year we include unique bonuses. Here are the bonuses for the 2025 session.
⭐️ Bonus #1: An advanced Cannabis curing and storing workshop! (worth $225)
⭐️ Bonus #2: A free pack of seeds (worth $50)
⭐️ Bonus #3: The book, The Beginners Guide to Growing Cannabis, by ME!
⭐️ Bonus #4: Free Admission to my "In Person Grow Series" at Heartstone.
Register today and you’ll get your bonus pack of seeds by April 15th, just in time to start germinating seeds with the group.
Live Events During Enrollment Week!
If you'd like to learn more about my approach to growing and working with Cannabis, please check out one of my upcoming live events.
Get started now!
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Supply list of what you’ll need for the entire process.
- Live classes with video instruction over the entire 6-month process, at each step along the way from germination to harvest & curing
- Regularly scheduled live Q&A sessions
- Access to me and a community of students in a private forum
- Bonus! A book companion for the course, my NEW book: The Beginners Guide to Growing Cannabis
- Bonus! 6 seeds of 3 different feminized varieties (18 total seeds) from Oregon CBD & ColoradoCBD.
- Recognizing the variation in soil fertility, climate, pest pressures, anywhere from 20 ounces to 20 pounds of flowers.
- A good low-ball estimate is 3-4 ounces per female plant.
More details about the seeds coming soon!
- Certificates of Analysis provided
Program Includes
- 6 months of scheduled events, from seed to harvest
- Library of resources, recorded classes, and supply list
- Community support inside a private network just for growers
- Access to me, the instructor, throughout the entire process
- April - Enrollment
- May - Germination
- June - Transplanting
- July - Pruning & Pest Management
- August - Pruning
- September - Harvest, Curing & Storage
- Live video instruction at each step of the entire process of growing Cannabis from germination to harvest.
- Introductory class on the life cycle of the Cannabis plant
- Introductory class on the Endocannabinoid system and how the Cannabis plant interacts within our body.
- The herstory of our relationship with the Cannabis plant.
- Live Q&A sessions for each stage of growth
- Grower’s supply list you can bring to your hardware store
Mentorship – You've got me by your side
I’ll be growing the same strains at the same time. This means I can show you what I’m seeing as well as alert you to slight corrections you might need to be doing.
In our private forum, you can share images, questions, and we can make sure your plants are healthy and growing.
And I should mention, the supply list includes things you can get at your average hardware/garden supply shop.
Our Private Grower’s Community
After you enroll you’ll receive an invite into our private network where you can create a profile, introduce yourself, meet other growers, and get answers to questions.
This has been my favorite part of the program and feels much less like an “online course” and like a class where we get to know each other and celebrate our successes together.
- Growing alone
- Questions always come up
- Uncertainty
- Brink of making a mistake that will cost your entire harvest
- Growing together
- Discuss what’s happening with your plants
- Troubleshoot issues that come up
- Direct mentorship from me
- Share your progress
- Avoid costly mistakes and learn as you go
Hear from last year’s students
First Time Grower
Experienced Grower
Step by step and group support
Every Inch of the Way
Letter to Future Growers
Balanced in science, health, connection
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Instructor
Tammi Sweet loves to teach. It’s her superpower. She has a magical ability to connect with almost anyone when teaching and help them understand complex material.
For over 30 years, Tammi has shared her gift of teaching at various colleges, massage schools and herbal schools throughout the country. Her background in physiology makes her an invaluable resource to developing herbalists, massage therapists and anyone wanting to care for their bodies alike, who want to deepen their foundational knowledge of the body.
In addition to her physiology expertise, Tammi is also a practitioner and teacher of herbal medicine. She is deeply influenced by her studies with accomplished herbalists, including Rosemary Gladstar, Pam Montgomery, Brooke Medicine Eagle,Tom Brown, Jr. and especially Stephen Buhner’s pioneering work on the heart as an organ of perception.
In 2007, Tammi set out to “combine all the things I love into one curriculum and teach whatever I wanted in ways that made sense--on my own terms.” So she and her partner Kris Miller launched the Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials.
At Heartstone, Tammi and Kris run two residential programs, an Herbal Apprenticeship and Journey of the Heart. They also offer online courses that integrate physiology and plant medicine with Tammi’s love of teaching, such as her signature course Anatomy & Physiology for Herbalists.
Tammi’s vision is for Heartstone to co-create a space with the land, where people can come "home," take refuge and find the sacred both on the land and within themselves and facilitate healing. When not teaching, Tammi loves to spend time alone and ‘recharge’ by exploring the land, writing, and hiking.
Get started now!
Important Disclaimer:
While I support everyone in making informed decisions, I cannot and do not give legal advice in this program or in any related materials.